Clubs and Organizations
- Archery
- Art Club
- Band
- Choir
- Dungeons and Dragons
- History Day
- Lancer Productions
- Leo Club
- Mock Trial
- Morning Star
- Multi-Media Club
- Mountain Biking Club
- National FFA Organization
- National Honor Society
- Newspaper: The Lance
- Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAE)
- PNB Aviation Club
- Service Club
- Spanish Club
- Speech Team
- Special Olympics
- Trap Shooting
- Yearbook: The Shield
Sponsor: Troy Bendickson email
Art Club
This club is for any students who are interested in contributing to the community and school using their artistic talents. Students do not need to be enrolled in an art club to participate. The club meets weekly in the art room.
Sponsor: Michele Mess email
The North Scott Bands have a long tradition of excellence, providing a thorough education in group performance, individual instruction, and music theory. Both Symphonic and Concert Bands perform at all concerts and festivals, giving all students the opportunity to showcase their talents. North Scott Bands earn regular Division I ratings at Iowa High School Music Association and have performed at the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference numerous times. North Scott Bands have performed at the Worlds of Fun Festival in Kansas City, the Winter Park Ski-Music Festival in Colorado, and the All American Music Festival in Orlando.
Enrollment involves participation in marching band, concert band, pep band, ensembles and solo playing. Band members are auditioned and placed into either Symphonic or Concert Band. All students receive private instruction on their instrument and sequential instruction in the elements of music.
For more information contact Mr. Mike McMann or Mr. Carl Collins
Welcome to NS Choirs !
For more information please contact Mr. Paul Skyles or Mrs. Lori Potts
Dungeons and Dragons
D&D Club is for students who are interested in learning and playing the tabletop role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons 5E. This club is suited to students who enjoy the creative experience of telling stories, building worlds and magic systems, simulating combat, creating and connecting with characters, and having fun! Our club welcomes both beginners and experienced players who are looking to join a campaign. Meetings are held on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 pm in Ms. Solbrig's classroom C-14. Materials will be provided, but if you have dice, books, or character minis you'd like to use, you are encouraged to bring your own!
Sponsor: Olivia Solbrig email:
Future Business Leaders of America, Inc. (FBLA) is the largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world. Each year, FBLA helps over 230,000 members prepare for careers in business. The mission of FBLA is to inspire and prepare students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.
The goal of FBLA is to develop competent, aggressive business leadership and strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work and create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise. The goals also includeS encouraging members the development of individual projects that contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community, develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism. FBLA strives to encourage and practice efficient money management, encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty, assist students in the establishment of occupational goals, and facilitate the transition from school to work.
Meet every two weeks during P6 on Wednesdays.
Sponsor: Ellen Oltman and Joe Greenwood email
FCA (FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES): Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets once per week for food, fellowship, and study. FCA uses athletics as a vehicle for lessons, discussions, and various activities designed to build relationships, improve faith, and impact others in a positive way. In addition to weekly morning gatherings, FCA also provides several evening activities such as game nights, guest speakers (including professional athletes), and occasional post-game gatherings at various homes.
Sponsor: Tony Stewart email
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is the ultimate leadership experience as a national Career and Technical Student Organization that provides personal growth, leadership development, and career preparation opportunities for students in Family and Consumer Sciences education. It is one of the only student-led organizations in the nation. Our students learn to become leaders that run the organization. They attend local and state events.
Sponsor: Sierra Sommers email
GSA is a student-led club formed to provide a safe and accepting space in the school community for members or allies of the GSA+ community. Meetings range from casual social activities, to fundraising, to having relevant discussions about identity, sexuality, intersectionality, and other topics in a respectful and community-focused environment.
Meetings are in Ms. Solbrig's classroom (C-14) from 3:15-3:45 on regular Fridays, but students can come during P6 if they are not assigned somewhere else.
Sponsor: Olivia Solbrig email
History Day
National History Day (NHD) at North Scott is an opportunity for students in 7-12 grade. Students choose historical topics related to a theme and conduct primary and secondary research through libraries, archives, museums, interviews and historic sites. After analyzing and interpreting their sources and drawing conclusions about their topics’ significance in history, students present their work in original papers, websites, exhibits, performances and documentaries. These products are entered into competitions in the spring at local, state and national levels where they are evaluated by professional historians and educators. Our program at North Scott is part of this highly regarded national academic program.
Sponsor: Michelle Willet email
Lancer Productions
Lancer Productions is North Scott High School’s Theatre Department. LP is more than just doing high quality shows; we offer a wide variety of activities that appeal to a wide variety of students and their talents. Shows each year may include a musical, a non-musical, a children’s theatre play or musical, student-directed one act plays, or a variety show. Students may perform on stage in small or large roles or work behind the scenes. Backstage duties include: posters, programs, advertising/publicity, ushering, costumes, makeup, props, fundraising, set construction, painting, lights and sound. Other activities we may include in our season are a workshops, dances, state and national Thespian Festival, a children’s theatre workshop, Backstage with LP, theatre career night, guest speakers, and Coffeehouse. Lancer Productions has a student board that offers decision-making and leadership
Sponsor: Stacie Kintigh email
Leo Club
The Leo Club is a youth version of the Lions Club International. We are a service club whose main priority is saving vision, but we also do humanitarian relief. The Leos at NS furnish hygiene kits for their peers through the nurses office; do community service, help sponsor the Leader Dog program, serve meals at the Salvation Army Site, and learn about serving others. We meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7:30 at Hardees.
Sponsor: Kathy Rhinehart email
Mock Trial
Mock trial is designed to introduce TAG identified students to the legal system by providing a challenging, academic competition. The program offers identified Talented and Gifted students an opportunity for personal growth and achievement, emphasizing the importance of research, presentation, and teamwork. Each year, students are given a new civil or criminal case to present both sides of, and will work with both the teacher coach and attorney coach to prepare. The competition extends from a regional, to state, to national level, and takes place in the spring of the school year.
Sponsor: Eric Heiting email
Morning Star
NSHS students celebrate their creativity in the Fine Arts anthology, Morning Star. All NSHS creative writers and artists are encouraged to submit their work: poems, short stories, plays, art, and/or photography. Dedicated students should also consider joining the Morning Star staff. Annual issues of Morning Star are distributed the beginning of May.
Sponsor Emily Hintze email
Multi-Media Club
Club meets weekly depending on photography schedules. For more information contact Mark Beno at
Mountain Biking Club
North Scott is starting a team to introduce the sport of mountain bike to students 7th-12th grade. The team will be inclusive for new and seasoned riders and provide an opportunity to race in the Iowa Scholastic Mountain Bike League ( The season will start in March with practices planned for twice per week. Races will be in May and June at trails throughout Iowa.
Sponsor: Karl Dimmer email
National FFA Organization
The North Scott FFA chapter is an extension of the National FFA Organization. This is a youth organization, which focuses on agriculture education and leadership development, cooperation and citizenship. The National FFA Organization provides encouragement and recognition of the local chapter and members though their Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAE) and the many additional cooperative and community service activities.
Sponsor: Jacob Hunter email
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) recognizes outstanding high school students and serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Students with a minimum GPA of 3.6 are invited to apply for membership the spring of their Sophomore or Junior year and then applications are scored and selected students are inducted into membership of North Scott's Phyllis Heuer Chapter of National Honor Society. Active members participate in regular meetings and service opportunities in our school and community.
Newspaper: The Lance
Application form and procedures must be completed by the deadline established by the instructor before final registration. This course involves students reporting, writing, and editing the news as well as learning the newspaper layout procedures using Indesign desktop publishing and editing and updated school news blog. Students are expected to write news and feature stories as assigned for each issue and may apply for editor positions once on staff. Skills in leadership, interpersonal communications, and collaboration as a group member will also be emphasized in addition to required researching, writing, and interviewing skills. Student writing will focus on commentary, analysis and in-depth/investigative reports. In this outcome-based course, students will produce the newspaper and news blog. Students may repeat newspaper for a non-English elective credit. THIS COURSE DOES NOT FULFILL AN RAI CORE COURSE REQUIREMENT. This is a co-curricular activity and may receive up to two elective credits.
Sponsor: Sean Chapman email
Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAE)
All students enrolled in an agricultural course are required to develop and maintain a Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAE). SAE programs include the process of keeping records on the production of any animal or field/horticultural crops, employment on a farm or in an agricultural business. Students are also responsible for keeping record of all agricultural skills and competencies gained through classroom and laboratory experiences. This experience-based activity is required for all agricultural classes.
Sponsor: Jacob Hunter email
PNB Aviation Club
The Build Site: 120 N Scott Park Rd, Eldridge, IA
Mondays 6pm-8:30pm
Thursdays 6pm-8:30pm
Saturdays 8am-11am
Service Club
Service Club is a student led group that meets weekly to collaborate on how they can serve others beyond themselves. The sole purpose is to build compassion and service outside of self. The students do this by serving people or efforts in our community of Eldridge or surrounding communities in the Quad Cities.
Mission: Service Club is a student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership.
Vision: We caring and competent servant leaders transform communities to make a difference.
Core Values: Character building, caring and serving others to make a difference.
Sponsor: Sarah Grimesey email
Spanish Club
Spanish Club - The North Scott Spanish Club is open to any student interested in learning more about Hispanic culture in the US and abroad. Throughout the year, members meet to learn about and celebrate cultural events, try new foods, and explore community events. The Spanish Club organizes a yearly fundraiser to recognize NS graduates that have earned the Biliteracy Seal with a banquet in their honor. In alternating years, the Club participates in the international Pulsera Project and raises funds for fair trade employment and housing in Latin American countries and raises money for the Student Hunger Drive.
Contact person is Darcie McGee email:
Speech Team
NS Speech competes in IHSSA Large Group Contests and Individual Events Contests. North Scott Speech is a supportive learning environment for anyone who desires to develop his/her communication, leadership, and performance skills. Students are given opportunities in Readers' Theatre, Choral Reading, One Act Play, Musical Theatre, Mime, Media Arts, Public Speaking, Literary Interpretation, and Acting.
Sponsor: Emily Hintze email
Special Olympics
For more information please contact Jennifer Unwin
Trap Shooting
This team is a program organized and supported through the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) through which gun clubs, shooting facilities and other organizations provide youth with opportunities to participate in organized, adult supervised, trap shooting activities leading to the Olympic styles of Bunker Trap and International Skeet. The goal of the program is to give students the opportunity to represent their school in the life-long sport of shooting that is based on safety and responsibility.
Sponsor: Paul Helkenn email
Yearbook: The Shield
Recommendations: Consent of instructor(s). Successful completion in all English courses, especially writing; interest in current events, graphic design and print media. Application forms and procedures must be completed by deadline(s) established by instructor(s) before final registration. The students in yearbook class will produce the yearbook. Students will study page design, copywriting, ad sales, and photography. Each student should contribute to the production of the yearbook. Work outside of class is required. Students may repeat Yearbook for non-English elective credits. THIS COURSE DOES NOT FULFILL AN RAI CORE COURSE REQUIREMENT. This is a co-curricular activity and may receive up to two elective credits.
Sponsor: Michele Mess email